Idag så ska vi börja på den fjärde låten, som vi ska spela in senare i vår!
Vi har också börjat med att ha mer struktur inom bandet, d.v.s mer disciplin samt lärt känna varandra mer.
Inom de kommande dagarna så kommer Simon att beställa in dubbelpedaler som vi alla har samlat pengar för att kunna köpa dem :)
Vi kommer också börja videoblogga antingen en gång i veckan
//Angello & Mikey
//Angello & Mikey
Today we'll start on the fourth song, which we will record later this spring!We have also started to have more structure in the band, that means more discipline and also that we all have little more informartion about each other.Within the next few days, Simon are going to order in double pedals for the drums, that we all have collected money for :)
We will also start video blogging, hopefully one video once a week =)
//Angello & Mikey
Today we'll start on the fourth song, which we will record later this spring!We have also started to have more structure in the band, that means more discipline and also that we all have little more informartion about each other.Within the next few days, Simon are going to order in double pedals for the drums, that we all have collected money for :)
We will also start video blogging, hopefully one video once a week =)
//Angello & Mikey